Not Nice Podcast

Not Nice Podcast

Art in the 90s Was Cool

February 23, 2021

WaZzzzZzzzap, cunts. Yeah, we're doing a 90s themed episode. It was a rad decade where we squirmed over our first sex scenes (Titanic), fell in virtual love (MSN Messenger), and found our true selves (being scene)—only to abandon them until last week, when we came across a beautiful Midwestern teenager's eye makeup tutorial on TikTok. That's just how our world works now.

Nostalgia is delicious, and what better time to explore another chronological dimension than now? As if you have actual things to do. Just kidding. But if you have the time, go check out Toronto carpenter Khaleel Seivwright's statement on providing shelter to those in need, or help Chinatown businesses in light of well, everything. ❤️