Not Nice Podcast

Not Nice Podcast

Amy Cooper is a Certified Lana Del Rey Stan

January 19, 2021

This week, Julia and Caro investigate how far and meagre society has come when it comes to matters of sex work and oversharing on social media. Listeners, we present to you a few deep questions that reflect the dichotomous state of civil justice today:

- Why is it that this 38 year-old Japanese man can rent himself out to thousands of lonely strangers, make $300K, and get a glowing review on VICE—when we've sat through hours of terrible dates and only have this silly podcast to show for it??? (

- Do we deserve to be cancelled for naming names and talking shit about real people (friends, cousins, coworkers) on the internet? And more importantly, do those Diaryland and Livejournal entries still exist?

- Conversely, should we be thankful we at least live in a world where limply ponytailed ghouls like Amy Cooper are fired for weaponizing their whiteness?

Thanks for listening! We'll C-U-Next-Tuesday!!!

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Our theme song is by Magnetize Music