Norman Centuries | A Norman History Podcast by Lars Brownworth

Norman Centuries | A Norman History Podcast by Lars Brownworth

Latest Episodes

Episode 3 - Richard the Good: Inventing the Past
November 19, 2009

At the start of Richard II's reign northern Europe was once again subjected to a wave of Viking attacks. The young Duke was faced with the question of what to do with his distant Norse brethren. Assist these pagans in their plunder and be labeled a pirate

Episode 2 - Richard the Fearless
October 14, 2009

With the death of Rollo and his son, Normandy seemed poised on the brink of disaster. Its nobles were in open revolt and the King of France had seized the capital of Rouen. The legitimate heir, Richard I, was only nine years old- and a captive of the crow

Episode 1 - Rollo and the Viking Age
September 23, 2009

They were the great success story of the Middle Ages, a footloose band of individual adventurers who appeared out of nowhere to blaze across the face of Dark Age Europe. In the course of two centuries the Normans launched a series of extraordinary conques
