Northern California eXposure

Northern California eXposure

058:Damien Norris:Alphametic

June 14, 2016

Damien Norriss is a Fresno native artist on the path of starting a company that can not only generate a profit but also cause change and help those who are less fortunate all over the world. in his own words I grew up skateboarding since I was 12 which is where the majority of my art influence came from, but over the last 4 years i've fallen in love with personal development (tony robbins, ziglar, jim rohn, etc) so that is sort of the direction i've begun to push alphametic--promoting personal development using art as a catalyst.   I also love weight training, which has been a huge push into my love for personal development; the whole concept of pushing myself to build myself stronger both physically and mentally.   The above all thrown into a blender is pretty much the basis behind alphametic.   I've also realized that I didn't just want to be a clothing company that sold cool shit... I want alphametic to, through art and creativity, begin to support a cause such as for people who are less fortunate in this life. I'd love to one day be able to help provide food, water, shelter, etc. to people all over the world who need it. As far as how, I have no idea. I just know I want to and that's the aim. I don't want to just reap all the profits and benefits for myself. I want to build a team to help others while we do what we love to do, which is create.