No One Told Me

No One Told Me

It’s Time We Learn to Handle Pressure

February 06, 2023

The stress related to pressures can, over time, lead to physical manifestations and slowly start to impact mental and emotional stability. In the end, if left unaddressed, it can lead to a breaking point many refer to as burn out. Suddenly, you struggle to find joy in what once brought you so much joy. 

Many of us don't take the time to create, implement and sustain healthy practices for navigating inevitable pressure. Growth has a tendency of happening under pressure. Not always, but pretty often. 

I invited an old personal and No One Told Me friend, Kaley, into this conversation because not only has she seen me at my most pressurized, but we've walked through so many of these maxed-out seasons together.

Within this episode we'll talk about the breaking points we've rubbed up against, what we wish we'd learned sooner about healthy pressure vs. unhealthy pressure and what rhythms of life we've brought in to make sure we can navigate all of the pressures we come up against in our every day.

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