Noobs & the Whovian

Noobs & the Whovian

Latest Episodes

176 The Haunting of Villa Diodati
October 24, 2021

This is the one where the Doctor and her companions meet fake ghosts, real ghosts, Mary Shelley, and the cybermen’s monster.

175 Can You Hear Me?
October 18, 2021

Live from Master Closet Studios, you’re listening to the only podcast on the internet that has been stuck in their nightmares since watching this episode! It’s the Noobs and the Whovian!  My name is A

174 Praxeus
October 10, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions find weird birds that eat people, and two girls roaming becomes one girl roaming. And that dude didn’t die at the end.

173 Fugitive of the Judoon
September 30, 2021

This is the one where the Doctor and her companions mo go fo no jo ro do mo.

172 Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
September 19, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions try to teach you history and fail. Also apparently Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla met aliens and just never said anything about it. And Tesla invent

171 Orphan 55
September 05, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions fight Mew-Ta-Ted humans on EaRtH. Also capitalism bad, global warming bad, rich people bad, etc, etc.

170 Spyfall Parts 1 & 2
August 29, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions get attacked by a car, get lazer boots, fight an insane spyMASTER, and defeat interdimensional glowing fedora men.

169 Resolution
August 22, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions meet a couple and a brain squid in the sewers of Sheffield. Oh, and Ryan's dad came back.

168 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
August 15, 2021

This is the one where the Doctor & her “fam” find a weird orb that is what's left of a planet and turns out there's eye magic and Tim Shaw for no reason.

167 It Takes You Away
August 08, 2021

This is the one where the doctor and her companions find a horrible parent who emotionally abuses his blind kid. Then they fight flesh eating moths and frogs or some crap like that.