This Non-Religious Life

This Non-Religious Life

This Non-Religious Life Episode 75: Marriage Gets A Makeover

June 28, 2013


This week presented a monumental moment for same sex marriage. With SCOTUS overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and sending California’s Prop 8 back to the lower court which had already deemed it unconstitutional it seems that same sex marriage is well on its way to being the norm in the US.

This triumphal push toward equality has not been without its detractors. Tonight we talk about some of the crazier things which have happened since the SCOTUS ruling the other day. This Thursday, June 27 Bob, Jason and I will be making some pretty bold remarks I am sure you will all enjoy!

As always we want to know your thoughts! You can always contact us at, like us on Facebook / Google+ or call the ZPN hotline at (757) 337-2195. And don’t forget to subscribe to This Non-Religious Life on  iTunes or listen to us on Stitcher Radio.


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  Source: Zombie Popcorn