Nonprofit Utopia

Nonprofit Utopia

Using Corporate Shared Value to Drive Sustainable Business

August 19, 2019

Benefit Chicago is mobilizing $100 million in impact investments to finance the growth of impact enterprises throughout Chicagoland to: 1) build wealth in or for communities; 2) create jobs that are accessible to community residents; and 3) enhance job readiness and skills for those seeking to find, maintain, and advance in employment.

Join us as Benefit Chicago’s Executive Director, William W. Towns, PhD, discusses Michael Porter’s shared corporate value strategy, a concept that allows companies to create sustainable business models that enhance their competitiveness, while simultaneously doing good in their communities. He will also share case studies highlighting successful social enterprises that have used shared value concepts to drive sustainable business and community impact

Call in live at (347) 884-8121 to join the conversation. You don't need an account to listen. You can also participate in the live chat.  Archived episodes may be found at iTunes, Podcast Chart, Blubrry and Stitcher.