Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Ep 55: The #1 Thing Your Virtual Event Needs

July 06, 2020

Hey there! Let’s jump right into today’s episode… You know I’m working on creating an online course for you.  I’ve been getting a lot of feedback and researching things to include in the course… One of the things I keep coming across is people need help with virtual events. We’re all very aware, because of COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines across the country, that it’s hard to plan an in-person fundraiser right now. We’re in the season when lots of nonprofits usually do all the planning for their big fall fundraising events, but this year – it’s a little more complicated. We don’t know if in-person fundraising events are going to be allowed, or in what capacity, or what your state’s public health orders will be in a few months from now, so it’s nearly impossible to plan!  I’ve always loved the Michael McGriffy, MD saying, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.” That is the attitude we have to adopt in these times – “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.” When the world zigs, we have to zag! When things aren’t exactly as we hoped or planned, we have to adapt. Things have changed – like it or not – so we have to take a step back, adjust our plans, and overcome. We have to stay flexible and remember – God has us right where He wants us! So – planning a virtual fundraiser instead of your in-person fundraising event might feel like uncharted territory, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret…  The #1 thing your nonprofit’s virtual fundraiser needs is something you already know… MARKETING! Just like with a regular in-person fundraising event, your nonprofit needs to increase awareness with your audience, build up anticipation, and make sure that every single one of your potential and current donors knows exactly what they are supposed to do.  The #1 thing you need to let your donors know is when they can donate, how they can donate and why they should donate. Your marketing leading up to your virtual fundraising event should repeat those three things over and over and over again until there is no doubt in anyone’s mind of what to do. Here’s the most important thing you need to remember though...you need to be clear. You need to be so, so laser focused and clear in what you say. You need to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan, your marketing message will not be clear. If you don’t have a plan, your donors will be overwhelmed and confused about your event, and when that happens, they will not give.  Here is your plan for marketing your virtual fundraising event: Start early. Just as with any in-person event, you need to have a long runway to spread the word about your virtual event. I know – it seems silly, it’s not like anyone needs to secure a babysitter to come to your virtual event, but it takes a lot of repetition and a bit of time before people start paying attention to things. If you start laying the groundwork a month or two before your virtual event takes place, people will have time to recognize your advertisements, and start paying attention to what you’re asking. This long runway will also give you time to reach more people. Run a Facebook ad about your virtual fundraiser – you can get step by step instructions on how to run an ad on Facebook in Episode 50.  Running an ad makes sure your donors and potential donors see that you’re having a virtual fundraiser. Be sure to put a link in the ad where they can donate right then and there if they’d prefer. Donors need time. Substantial donors don’t donate on a whim or donate at the last minute either. You have to warm everyone up to the idea of your virtual fundraiser and giving online.  So constantly share the link where they can donate. Virtual events are relatively new for most people, so make things easy for them and let them know they can donate by clicking a link. Then they don’t have to decide if they are going to attend an event in person or online, they can just simply decide to support your or