Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Ep 52: Recharge and Re-Inspire Your Spirit with 5 Tips

June 15, 2020

There are a lot of things in life that can leave us feeling zapped. Out of gas. Wind completely out of our sails. Tired.  A big pile of mush. Whether it’s in our everyday lives at home, at work, or maybe the weight of the world feels like it’s on our shoulders – sometimes, it’s easy to lose inspiration and the drive to keep going. In this episode, we’re talking about how to get that inspiration and drive BACK - how to recharge your spirit so you can stay true to your mission at your nonprofit and serve people who need your help. Yes! There are people out there who need you at your best – they need YOUR help! Think about it like this – if your friend was stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere because her car broke down, and she called you for help. Even though you only have a little gas in your car, you start down the road to help her because she needs you – but what happens? You run out of gas, and now you’re stranded on the side of the road too. Now YOU and YOUR friend are in a pickle. You have to keep your own tank filled up so you can be there for others. You have to recharge your battery so you can be a light for someone else. Here are 5 tips to recharge and re-inspire your spirit: Rest – Rest is EVERYTHING! I know – you have a lot to do. Your days are full and busy. Finding time to rest will help you work more efficiently and help you cope with stress. Rest helps you find peace and avoid agitation. If you give your brain time to just “be” and not think about work – you’ll find an easier path to peace in your mind and in your heart. And then you can do more and better work. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you know that my husband is a wildland firefighter. He is the ultimate giver. Sacrifice is as natural to him as breathing. He gives up months of his life to lead a crew of firefighters to try to put out wildfires and protect the homes of complete strangers all over the country. He gives up summer vacations, time with family, weekends, holidays, time he could be fishing. In the summer, he lives a go-go-go lifestyle where he’s gone at dawn and doesn’t sit down and take his boots off at home until 8 o’clock at night – except for the nights he’s fighting a fire and then he sleeps on the ground outside or if he’s feeling really luxurious, he’ll put up a tent. Rest is ALWAYS part of the conversation in our house. This is where I think God really knew what he was doing when he put us together, because I am a HUGE advocate for rest! When my husband is off the clock, he still has a hard time resting – so we do things like take a walk or some nice easy fishing on the river a few minutes from our house one night a week. We schedule our Saturdays (or whatever day he has off from work), so nothing happens before noon and there’s lots of breathing room to drink coffee, eat a big breakfast and watch a little HGTV together. Even though I have to remind him to rest sometimes, do you know what happens when he does? He feels good! He feels ready to lead his crew. He feels ready to go save people’s homes. He feels ready to do his job and he’s less stressed.   You probably have a different scenario at your house, but rest still makes a big difference. So, here’s my rest challenge to you: Get one extra hour of sleep. That doesn’t mean you have to go to bed at 8:30 p.m., but what if you went to bed at 10 and woke up at 6? That's EIGHT FULL HOURS of beautiful glorious sleep! Or sleep 9:30 to 5:30! Maybe eight hours isn’t realistic for you – but whatever your life is like, try to get more sleep. You’ll reap the benefits of it and see a difference in how you feel every day. The second thing in this rest challenge… Fast. Not from food but fast from social media and email. Try going for 24 hours without social media and email. Why? THIS is how you can supercharge your way back to peace. Think about it – how many pictures do you see in a day? How many things do you read? How many thoughts do those things pro