Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Unlocking Your Nonprofit Potential

Ep 47: Is your Facebook post missing THIS?

May 11, 2020

You and I both know that right now more than ever, people are in need. People are in crisis. Whether it’s an economic crisis, or an emotional crisis, or a health crisis, or something else – there are a lot of people out there in your community that need you now more than ever. They need assistance from your organization. They need your help. They need your support. They need your kindness and compassion. So how do you tell them that you’re here for them? How do you let them know you’ve got their back – you’re here to help them. You want to help them. You are able, ready and willing to help them. How do you tell them that? Well, for starters, you keep posting on Facebook and Instagram twice a week – but what is the most important part of that Facebook or Instagram post?   A call to action. They want you to tell them what to do next. And so, you tell them something like this:  “Text us now at 555-555-1234”  “Make an appointment online at agathasangels.com” “Call us today at 555-555-1234”  That’s all a call to action is. It’s telling someone how to get ahold of you. They need you, and it’s up to you to tell them how to get ahold of you. I know, using a call to action can be really uncomfortable. You might feel like you don’t need one, or it feels like it’s not your style, or it’s pushy…  There are a lot of reasons you might skip a call to action: - You forgot - You feel uncomfortable - You don’t want to be “salesy” or slimy  - You don’t want to be pushy - You don’t know how or what to say - No confidence that it’s the right thing to do - Not confident that your product will help them - Thinking, “I’m not depending on God if I’m asking, I should just let God send me who he wants to put in my way” Or there could be other reasons. Here’s the honest truth…  If figuring out where to find your organization’s phone number or your website is too hard or time consuming, or it’s not clear what you can help them with, then the people you want to serve will just scroll on by because they don’t know that you want to serve them… By using a call to action, are you manipulating people? No. You’re not telling them, “You better call us… OR ELSE!!!” By using a call to action, are you pressuring people? No. You’re giving people your contact information. If you knew your new friend really needed your help, would you just say, “Let me know if I can help” and then walk away? Or would you say, “Let me help – Call me, here’s my phone number!” If you were pushy, or manipulating, you’d be like an unrelenting robocaller – not interested in the person’s needs, just wanting to wear them down so they’ll buy.  See? That’s not what you’re doing at all.  You’re not being pushy!  You’re just helping the person who needs your help cross the bridge to a better place.  Imagine your organization is a beautiful glowing island in the middle of the ocean with white sandy beaches and palm trees swaying in the cool tropical breezes – tell people how to get a boat ticket there! Tell people how they can get to the island! Your island is relief for them. Your island is where they want and need to go. So, use a call to action – every single time in your Facebook and Instagram posts. You’re not being pushy or salesy.  You’re helping. You’re validating them and telling them it’s OK to call – and you’re making it easy for them by giving them the phone number or your website right then and there.  You might be like, “Lauren, I already know what a call to action is.” But here’s my question for you – are you using one in ALL of your Facebook or Instagram posts? Ask yourself, what is the point of your posting? Is it just to post for the sake of posting?  Or is it for something else… Something MORE MEANINGFUL? Is it to encourage people to use your services? To showcase your service or product so people will be better after they get help from you?  If you are posting meaningful things that describe your services – that are telling people about your organization - on Facebook and Instag