Non-Euclidean Æthercast – Metapunk

Non-Euclidean Æthercast – Metapunk

Non-Euclidean Æthercast #38 – A Chat with Bonsart Bokel of Radio Retrofuture

July 09, 2016

Today I have the great pleasure of having Bonsart Bokel, host of the Radio Retrofuture Youtube channel (please subscribe!) as my guest on the Non-Euclidean Æthercast. We cover a lot of ground during the course of the podcast, from Medieval reenactment, to retrofuturistic reenactment, yes this actually works. Bonsart has founded the RAG-TAG: Regiment Anachronistische Grenadiers, check them out. RAG-TAG are actually supposed to be the goons and evil henchmen, but like so many of the „evil guys“, the 501st Legion is the best example, I think, they do some really great stuff, in their case some „Stormtrooper courses“ for children, with nerf guns and other fun-enhancers. But I am not going to spoil the podcast here, just tease it. Before I forget, check out here for interview on the Fedora Chronicles with Bonsart that gets mentioned on a number of occasions during our chat. And just some shameless promotion: Bonsart and I are both at Patreon and would of course love some support, so, if you have some change to spare: Metapunk on Patreon Radio Retrofuture on Patreon