The Nomadic Traveler Podcast

The Nomadic Traveler Podcast

The Ultimate Guide to your next overseas trip featuring Kim Wilkin

August 07, 2020

We are all itching to travel! Although international travel might seem like a far off option right now, today we learn the best tips to prepare for the best overseas trip when we are able to travel again. Kim Wilkin of YouTube shares some of the best overseas travel tips and tricks. We learn about how to keep your passport and ID safe during overseas travel. Kim shares how to meet people during your trips overseas and the most important things to learn when traveling to a foreign country. Listen in to hear how this world traveler can help you make your next trip less stressful and more impactful. As always listen for an amazing hidden gem. 
Find Kim in the Following Places:
YouTube: The Abundant Traveler
Instagram: @TheAbundantTraveler
Pinterest: The Abundant Traveler
Facebook: The Abundant Traveler 
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