No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack-#20-Shooting People Always Brings Peace-8-20-14

August 20, 2014

So the shit storm has turned into a shituricane. (copyrighted) lol

Covered, of course, the Michael Brown MURDER of a black teen by an anxious white cop, and then the following cover up, rubber bullets and riots (still going on, National Guard on route).

Also covered our buddy Ukraine's neighbor, Russia, trying to give them a hug while stabbing them in the back, in the front (Russia is horrible at covering up their acts).

Israel Peace talks? Never again because Israel Killed one of Hamas's leader's family, blind siding him (you can't write a better start for the next Hollywood action film).

Fracking causes earthquakes. Quit doing it. There should be nothing more to add to that, but I did (not by much).

Know what's better than feeding your crops to your cattle during a massive starvation? Bottling water during a massive drought! (second one is sadly actually real).

Immigrants-send them home, right? Well, 5 of of the ones we JUST SENT back-murdered. So, maybe them fleeing here might be a thing of survival, not 'invading our country?'

Robert Reich predicted the death all wall street, which in turn, would kill the dollar, which it turn means there is no such thing as an economy anymore (or your savings).

And finally over 12 jounralists have been murdered in the middle east due to ISIS (the muslim terrorists groups-REMEMBER-there is a muslim terrorists group, but not all muslims are terrorists; don't be predjidce.) They are conquering parts of Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. They, like Israel's government (not all Israelis), and even many parts of France (I know-fucking FRANCE) are promoting their own versions of a pure blood country. Last time we had that, world war. What happens when there's 3 versions of Nazis, though? Fucked up times to come...

Utopia around the corner, hell in front of us


'when you're going thru hell, keep going.'

Anything I am right on, wrong on, you want to correct me on, or ask me:

Wack Ashimself-Tumblr


Vasili Arkhipov on facebook (they made me change my name)

Also, PLEASE comment on here, and join on facebook group world wide mentality group that will change the face of the planet for our species and planet's sake alike-The Common Grounds Party (I only don't allow haters, lovers of all kind welcome.)

QUESTION EVERYTHING! Even the questions!

And namaste my brothers and sisters
