No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack #6-9-25-13-Spirituality

September 26, 2013

The word of the day is 'dictionary'; go find one.

Since I lost someone dear to me, I decided to give MY (non factual) history of religion and spirituality.

Also, The bible is wrong: thru translations, misinterprations, and personal taste, the original concept in today's bible is fair to say not close to the original text:

It went thru over 3 languages to get to where it is today; you really think it will be as accurate as the original?

Ego death is a real thing; here's man who says lose your ego, find your compassion. (the website, TED talks, has a LOT of mind altering videos. Just explore the site)

This is kind of an alternative to big bang meets mutliple universes. TRIPPY!

Was Jesus a MONK!? Makes a lot of sense based on his teachings....

This is one of the craziest things I've seen in years (this is the evil Mars people/we were evolved before) Longer Movie, but just watch any of Spirit Science's videos. They challenge a lot of things, just question things.

More hate for the Bible (with facts):

Hate on Buddhism (guy wrote, very well, my conflictions with it):

My main point here is all relgions suck. Be good to be good, not to get good, or guilted into it, or to even gain enlightenment. I don't touch on other religions cuz a-most of you are atheists, Catholics, and agnostics listening. b-I know SHIT about other religions. c-I hate all religions, period. Even ones that teach peace. Why? Anything you have to be taught that you can't learn yourself thru living is a lie. Or has some biasedness. Trust yourself, love, meditate, and you will find the rest,

REMEMBER! QUESTION EVERYTHING, and namaste my brothers and sisters.