No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack

No BS with Wack-#2-08222013

August 23, 2013

Wack Ashimself-FB



Second one is up and running.

We cover email of the day-Thanks Mellissa Reed for never technically actually doing that and still me name dropping you!

Word of the day-it's about a butterfly!

And we cover exclmation points! (not really, but I clearly have overdone their use here!)

Here's the crap about why you're going to be enjoy some Simpsons like fish-

Here's a distraction from the main point-he shouldn't be in jail-

Part of me wonders if he did this because he KNEW he couldn't fight his jailtime and wanted to make a new statement? I'm happy for him if so, but still wish he/she (I never know what to do in these circumstances) wasn't in jail.

And I cover who should and shouldn't be president-don't act like we have a say either way.

Comments? Questions? Topics? DId I speak too fast-you know how to get a hold of me.

Namaste my brothers and sisters.

And always remember-Question Everything!