No Better Than Average

No Better Than Average

Ep. 119 – I can’t afford $20 undies!

March 09, 2017

Another week and more tech talk!  Topics this week include:

* Nintendo’s new gaming console, the Nintendo Switch.  Is it a hot new console or a $300 Legend of Zelda player?
* Jeff found a story about a photographer who photographed the entire Sistine Chapel and has produced 220 pages of the photos in a 1:1 size in a forthcoming new book.  Only 1,999 copies will be produced and it’ll set you back over $12,000!  Got some spare change?
* For the First Time, More US Households Have Netflix Than a DVR.  Yep, DVR households were slightly edged out by Netflix households, but the margins were pretty close still.  Give it a few more years for Netflix to finish what it’s started.  Hard to believe Netflix streaming launched “only” 10 years ago in 2007 while the TiVo launched over 17 years ago in 1999!
* Apple has announced it’s already fixed some of the major exploits unveiled in the WikiLeaks dump last week and claims it’s on track to continue patching and correcting holes from the dump.  Of course they are! Why wouldn’t they be? But it’s going to be a never-ending arms race between the companies building systems and everyone who wants to find (and exploit) any vulnerabilities.

What we love:
Jeff loves his Kwikset 910 Smart Lock:
Todd loves his new family truckster; a 2014 Toyota Sienna!
Jacob loves his *ahem* overpriced underwear from Duluth Trading Co.; their Buck Naked underwear: