Enjoy Life: Choose Your Mindset, Goals, & Actions

Enjoy Life: Choose Your Mindset, Goals, & Actions

74-Time To Celebrate, Appreciate, & Focus On The Positive

July 02, 2019

Is It Time To Celebrate & Appreciate?   There is a sure fire way to make it more difficult to achieve your goals. It’s guaranteed to make the struggle worse, more painful, and just plain miserable. If that’s not enough, then it may even end up stopping all your progress and preventing you from hitting the goal you want most. What is it you ask? Refusing to acknowledge the good things you have and appreciating them.   You ever feel like giving up, run down, depleted, spent, unhappy, miserable, and pessimistic with a bad attitude? I know that I can’t be the only that has experienced those symptoms. And they are symptoms of where we choose to place our focus. We get to choose where place our thoughts and what we choose to focus on. To be completely honest, I was experiencing some of that negativity recently. It was really unpleasant. I had started thinking about all the things that I wanted to be different, to have, or be able to do and what I was missing out on. That led me to miss many of the wonderful things that I do have in my life. I was not celebrating and appreciating.   Why Celebrate & Appreciate? Why even take the time and effort to make sure you celebrate and appreciate the good things? Shifting your mindset to one that is grateful for the big and the small positive things can help you to accomplish more and enjoy life.   What you focus on grows. When you focus on the negative it grows. The negative will begin to seem bigger and bigger. It will consume other areas and start to overshadow any positive thing that gets too close. The good things will seem smaller and less significant while you focus on the negative. Ever have one negative thing happen and then you thought about it and thought about it? Maybe after a while you thought about it so much that any positive thing didn’t even seem that great because all you could think about was the one negative event. The same thing can happen when you choose to focus on something positive. The positive can grow, become greater, overshadow negative inconveniences and make life a little nicer. You can choose where you focus. Choose to focus on what you want to grow.   Get a positive mental boost All about mindset here and being grateful helps the mindset. Seeing the positive things you’ve done can help promote the ever helpful ‘Can Do’ attitude. That great feeling confidence you can accomplish one thing because you’ve already accomplished something else. Celebrate your victories can keep that attitude that You Can Achieve!   Makes taking action a little easier Seeing the good things, people, and blessing can help you to keep action toward your goals. My family is one of my good things. I appreciate them being in my life. When I think about them and think of anything I need to do that would help them, I have the energy to do it. I may be exhausted, but the positive mental boost I get by choosing to focus on a very big positive helps me to take action even when tired.   It feels good This is a simple one. It just plain feels good to celebrate successes and appreciate blessings. So, do it. Yes, it may help you to take action toward your goals, improve your mindset, increase confidence, or a host of other things. But, really you could just do it because it feels good.   What can you celebrate? What progress have you made? What action have you taken? What goals have you set? Are you willing to try?   What can you appreciate? What blessings or skills do you have? Are there people in your life that you appreciate?   There are good things in life even when you’re still striving to make changes and improvements. There is something good and positive out there. Look for it. Find it. Value it.   You may also like this post: Choose Your Mindset To Achieve Goals & Enjoy Life ------------------------------------------- Listen on YouTube: NickMaizy.com/YTLMy recommended reading: NickMaizy.com/booksMore material at: NickMaizy.com