New Books in Global Ethics and Politics

New Books in Global Ethics and Politics

Rajika Bhandari and Mirka Martel, “Social Justice and Sustainable Change: The Impacts of Higher Education” (IIE, 2016)

May 19, 2016

Rajika Bhandari, Deputy Vice President, Research and Evaluation Institute of International Education (IIE), and Mirka Martel, Assistant Director of Research and Evaluation at IIE, join New Books in Education to discuss a new report from the organization, Social Justice and Sustainable Change: The Impacts of Higher Education (IIE, 2016). This new report is part of a ten-year study of the Ford Foundations International Fellowship Program alumni and their impacts in their communities globally. The report is free to read on IIEs website and very assessable, with data displayed in easy-to-read charts and graphics showing the link between higher education and social justice and the effect that higher education can have on marginalized populations and leadership around the world. For any questions, comments, or recommendations for the New Books in Education podcast, you can connect with the host, Ryan Allen, at @PoliticsAndEd.