New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

Latest Episodes

#72 - Matchmaking Update and Tier 3 Neutral Items
January 21, 2020

How confusing is the new matchmaking? Is it more or less confusing than Marco's alternative tier system? I'm not sure, maybe you will have the answers after listening to this 72nd edition of New Meta Podcast. We discuss the relative power and utility...

#71 - Tournament Action, Venge's Pub Dominance and is DK underrated?
January 14, 2020

We cover a lot of ground in episode 71! Discussions on the recent Minor and upcoming Major, before full discussions on Venge's dominance in the pub scene and Dragon Knight's awful 1.5% pick rate, is this hero criminally underrated? ...

#70 - Tier 1+2 Neutral Items, Doom and 7.23f
January 08, 2020

In episode 70 we discover that Immortal players don't use nether shawl, that Lifestealer is actually an agility hero and that a true DotA player always sheds a tear when watching the 7.00 patch reveal video. In less spectacular discoveries we talk...

#69 - New Meta 2019 Awards!
December 31, 2019

It's the event every Dota fan looks circles on their calendar! Live from the New Meta tin-pot Studio comes the 2019 Awards ceremony (29:20). We discuss and present the awards for best hero in a leading role, best 'feature' in an OSFrog role, best...

#68 - 7.23e review + OD and SF
December 20, 2019

New Meta razes the game by dropping a hammer of an episode this week! A sizable patch coming our way in the form of 7.23e, we review the changes and how they effect the state of the game, also checking in with Marco for Void Spirit Corner. Then we...

#67 - Team Aura Items in 7.23
December 13, 2019

In episode 67 we cry a bit about losing games then proceed to uncover the true value of team aura items! We start with the low-cost trio of Basilius, Headdress and Buckler, followed by the early/mid game items of Drums, Helm-Dom, Mekanism and Vlads....

#66 - Rising Stars of 7.23 + 65 Follow-up: VS Snap Druid Tiny Veno
December 06, 2019

How many ranged strength heroes are there? We're pretty sure we worked it out since last episode, turns out there's four. Today we give some follow-up thoughts on Void Spirit and Snapfire coming off the back of last week's episode. We then cover what...

#65 - Playing 7.23a: Snapfire and Void Spirit
November 29, 2019

The New Meta trio convene after a few days of 7.32a to collect and develop our thoughts on the patch, particularly on Snapfire and Void Spirit. We discuss how the heroes were buffed in 7.23a and what seems to work for them in this wild west early meta...

#64 - Outlanders Update ! Review and Reaction
November 27, 2019

Outlanders has finally arrived with 2 new heroes, outposts, neutral items, level 30, couriers doing loads of stuff. New Meta has all the headlines, reactions and initial discussion. Dota 3 people!

#63 - GIVE PATCH: Aimless, Jumbled Episode While We Wait for Outlanders!
November 22, 2019

We discuss which heroes and mechanics are for the chopping board in the upcoming mega-patch, which heroes we hope see a resurgence and whether SF should have two passives. Stan wants Void Spirit to have a portal gun and Marco just wants him to have...
