New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

Latest Episodes

#82 - Weaver and Prophet: Insects and Nature are Thriving!
March 28, 2020

Bugs and wildlife are thriving in the newly deserted wasteland we call earth. Unfortunately a rather annoying bug called Weaver is also thriving, and using shukichi to sneak up behind you and steal your mmr. Nature´s Prophet´s stats tell us he...

#81 - Patch 7.25 review
March 20, 2020

Icefrog hit us with a chunky patch in the form of 7.25 with week, and with everybody staying inside to avoid the coronavirus, it seems as good a time as any to talk Dota 2. Stan drafts in the usual Immortal duo of Marco and Adam to guide us through...

#80 - Why We Love Dota! Plus Adam hits Immortal
March 13, 2020

We treat ourselves to a fun episode discussing our favorite aspects and memories in Dota and why we fell in love with the game in the first place. Episode 80 sees New Meta celebrate 3 milestones of varying significance. The first is 80 episodes,...

#79 - Give me Coronavirus so I can grind pubs in self-isolation (WW + SS)
March 07, 2020

In this week's episode we discuss whether the symptoms of Coronavirus are worth accepting for some time off work to play pubs. We also discuss whether you can contract the virus through the all-chat feature on US east server. Oh and we also talk about...

#78 - 7.24b, DPC changes and Farming Patterns
February 28, 2020

A packed episode! After a decent chunk of intro discussions on farming patterns, active hero movements and being 1-0 vs Dota Alchemy, we turn our attention to patch 7.24b. A nerf patch that sees the top meta heroes touched up. We then discuss the DPC...

#77 - Slardar (and Pugna): From Fail Fish to Puddle Prince
February 20, 2020

Episode 77 sees the gang's long overdue discussion of the new OP hero of the patch: Slardar. Sporting disgustingly high win rates across the board and a 25% pick rate in Divine+ this fish is swimming in mmr. Also discussed is Stan's pet hero Pugna, an...

#76 - Position 4 Snapshot: Shaker, Nyx and please not Rubick
February 14, 2020

Episode 76 sees a decent chunk of crying, observations and theory in the 'how have your games been?' intro section. After that the main topic of the episode is introduced, a snapshot of the current position 4 hero pool in the meta and the general...

#75 - Meta Review and Tier 5 Neutral Items
February 07, 2020

Broodmother, Lycan, Huskar and Meepo are the top 4 most winning heroes in the Divine/Immortal bracket, a statistic that strikes fear into the hearts of pubbers everywhere. In this episode the trio spend some time discussing this and other trends in...

#74 - Pod's Birthday! Celebrate with Support Ench and and Tier 4 items
February 02, 2020

We almost forgot to mention our first birthday! Adam has been celebrating by winning lots of games with support Enchantress. He shares the info on this quirky, fun and strong position 5. We then turn our attentions to Tier 4 neutral items, the...

#73 - Patch 7.24, True Sight and Major
January 29, 2020

A lot happened in the Dotaverse this last week, beginning with the dramatic conclusion to DreamLeague, followed by the release of a significant patch 7.24 and finally by the always incredible premier of TI9's True Sight. Stan, Adam and Marco are all...
