Nerdy Talk

Nerdy Talk

Nerdy Talk Episode 20: One Nation, Under Anime

September 25, 2014

Anime Herald

Anime Herald - We'll talk nerdy to you.

We made it to episode 20! And, unfortunately, the night was a bittersweet one, as just a day earlier, we found out that AnimeNation closed the doors of its retail division.

In this week’s show, we spent some time talking about the event, as well as the new Ghost in the Shell flick, and an incident in Qubec involving a military base and hentai.

This week’s episode featured the following hosts:

  • Mike Ferreira
  • Matt Brown
  • Anthony Simpson
  • Dorian Chadwick

The podcast is available for listening below:

Show Notes

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Nerdy Talk Episode 20: One Nation, Under Anime

Mike Ferreira