Nerdy Talk

Nerdy Talk

Nerdy Talk Episode 15 - Children of the CNN

July 03, 2014

Anime Herald

Anime Herald - We'll talk nerdy to you.

The recording session for our previous episode ran long. However, one of the topic we covered was of a somewhat controversial nature. It sparked a conversation that would span nearly an hour, with everybody making strong arguments toward their side of the issue. When it came time to edit down the episode, I honestly didn’t want to cut a single line out.

We all agreed that this conversation was worth having. So, rather than cut it down to a 20-minute chunk, we split the episode, leaving this segment fully intact.

This week’s episode featured the following hosts:

  • Mike Ferreira
  • Matt Brown
  • Anthony Simpson
  • Dorian Chadwick

The podcast is available for listening below:


Show Notes

Topic 1: CNN Vilifies Manga as Child Porn

Topic 2: Discotek’s License Barrage Signals Shift In Announcement Dynamic

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Nerdy Talk Episode 15 – Children of the CNN

Mike Ferreira