Super Fantastic Nerd Hour!

Super Fantastic Nerd Hour!

Episode 54: The Man in the High Castle, The Man in the High Castle VS. Agent Carter, Top 5 Made for Streaming Programming

February 15, 2015

“We lost the war.†Join us as we discuss the newest Philip K. Dick science fiction adaptation — Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle! How does Amazon crowdsource its pilot season? Why is streaming media changing the type of content that gets produced? How does this alternate history about the Nazis winning World War II relate to its source material? In the INFINITE CROSSOVER CHAMBER, we debate the post-WWII world building of The Man in the High Castle VS. Agent Carter. We binge review our top 5 made for streaming programming. 

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Show Notes
  • 0:00 - 16:48: The Man in the High Castle (no spoilers)
  • 16:49 - 38:57: The Man in the High Castle (spoilers)
  • 38:58 - 50:18: INFINITE CROSSOVER CHAMBER: The Man in the High Castle VS. Agent Carter
  • 50:19 - 1:46:31: Top 5 Made for Streaming Programming
LinksTop 5 Made for Streaming Programming


  1. House of Cards
  2. Transparent
  3. The Guild
  4. Misfits
  5. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


  1. Orange is the New Black
  2. House of Cards
  3. Transparent
  4. The Square 
  5. Daredevil

Honorable Mentions:

  • Deadbeat
  • Arrested Development: Season 4
  • Star Wars: Clone Wars: Season 6
  • Salem Rogers: Model of the Year 1998