From the Edge of the Circle

From the Edge of the Circle

Episode 141: ...And the Circle is Complete

October 31, 2013

January 3, 2006 - First Show for the pagan podcast “From the Edge of the Circle.  Today, October 31st, 2013 - I have recorded and uploaded Episode 141 - the very last show for the podcast. Most of the material contained within is a retrospective look at the podcast - from the opening show sequence to some of the bumpers I played for other podcasts to my one favorite moment over the 7+ years that the podcast has run. As with most of my shows, I have a musical feature in the show.... Green and Grey by Damh the Bard, Just a Matter of time by Paul C. Newman, and Prometheus by Wendy Rule. Each song is a favorite of mine from three of my favorite musical artists. I have played many other artists over the course of the podcast - and have enjoyed finding ways to showcase independent musicians.  I would be completely negligent if I didn’t mention some of my pod kin brethren and sisters, some of whom sadly faded out of existence on the pod-waves, and others who continue to broadcast their passions of their own unique Pagan perspectives. Thank you for sharing the pod-waves with me to The Wigglian Way, Pagan Living, The Broom Closet podcast, the ipodwith podcast, Darkly Fey, Lance and Graal, Deo’s Shadow, The Secrets in Plain Sight, the Cultured Barbarian, A Pagan Heart in Maine, The Crooked Path, the Celtic Myth Podshow, Druidcast, Chris Orapello, Pagan Centered Podcast, Inciting a Riot, the Geek Witch, the Forest at Night -- and probably a host of others that I am forgetting.  My brothers and sisters of the pod-waves....I am so proud to have stood side-by-side with you as Proud Pagan Podcasters.  Many thanks to John Beckett, Cat Treadwell, Nimue Brown, and Philip Carr-Gomm for their inspiring blog posts, which helped keep the fire burning in my heart -- and showed me the way towards uncovering new parts of the Pagan world around me. I also want to thank the Dallas/Fort Worth Pagan pride Day crew for the awesome work on this year’s Pagan Pride Day event.  Troy, Em, KD, Bryan, Dana, Vense and many others -- you all helped remind me why I had started this podcast in the first place -- our COMMUNITY. Thank you for showing me where my tribe is...
Lastly, I want to thank you - the audience. You listened to me bitch, whine, moan, scream, cuss, and discuss topics of all varieties. Thank you for affording me the opportunity to come into your lives, and share a little bit (ok a whole lot) of my life with you. There are no words that I can use to express how honored I am to have connected with so many of you on Facebook - nor can I express the immeasurable joy I have had in meeting some of you face to face.
Damh the Bard’s music can be found at:
Paul C. Newman’s music can be found at:
Wendy Rule’s music can be found at:

John Beckett’s blog can be found at:
Cat Treadwell’s blog can be found at:
Nimue Brown’s blog can be found at:
Philip Carr-Gomm’s blog can be found at:
One final thought...remember, Paganism was never meant to be a “clean” religion. You need to get into the dirt - feel it with your own hands. There are Gods, Spirits of the Land, and much more just outside your doorway - no matter where you live. Get outside and EXPERIENCE IT!  :)
Tommy /|\