From the Edge of the Circle

From the Edge of the Circle

Episode 140 - DFW Pagan Pride Day 2013

October 13, 2013

Musical Feature - "Artemis" by Wendy Rule from her album DIETY.  Wendy's music can be found at her website:
Pagan Pride Day for the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area was held on Saturday, October 5th - and it was a blast!  I blather on about the event for a bit - including my view of the three rituals for the day.  Though I did not attend, my vantage point from the Welcome Table was absolutely awesome.  I also talk a bit about what volunteering for the event meant for me - and my hopes that you - the listener - will volunteer to help out for your local PPD.
I also debut the new intro for "Upon a Pagan Path" - I will have the site's new location shortly....I am looking forward to starting the new podcast in November and hope you come along with me there.  I am sad about setting Edge to sleep, but am also excited to celebrate what Edge was with the next episode - 141 - which will be the last.
Last but not least, I have two voicemails I received concerning DFW Pagan Pride Day - and one of these contains an offer from one of the vendors that was there!!  Please remember - support your local, independent Pagan artists!!