Neon Noise Podcast

Neon Noise Podcast

Latest Episodes

E24 - 10 Tips for Writing Blog Posts
May 03, 2017

Blogging is an important part of any marketing strategy. Key benefits of creating and publishing awesome blog posts include positioning you as an expert in your industry, increasing your exposure on the search engines to attract more traffic, and...

E23 - Mastering Productivity and Focus with John Lee Dumas
April 26, 2017

John Lee Dumas (also referred to as JLD) is the host of EOFire, an award-winning Podcast where he interviews today’s most successful Entrepreneurs. JLD has grown EOFire into a multi-million dollar a year business with over 1600 interviews and 1.5...

How Big of an Audience Do I Need to Grow?
April 19, 2017

There is a lot of power in building an audience. A collective group of people that want to follow you. They want to engage with you and your brand. They want to hear from you again in the future. They value what you say. Building an audience has...

Why your Landing Pages Suck.
April 12, 2017

Looking for ways to increase the conversion rate of your marketing campaign? Maybe your landing page is the problem. Make sure the traffic that you are working so hard for is being driven to a landing page that will help you convert rather than...

8 Ways to Make Your Website Better
April 05, 2017

When you go on a first date, you usually take a shower, brush your teeth, maybe wear a new outfit, and try to make your best first impression.  You should give your website the same treatment. The first visit to your website is often times a make...

Creating Your Value Proposition
March 29, 2017

Why should someone choose to do business with you?  What's the reason they choose you over the competition? There are lots of different options available to them. Some are inferior, some are superior, some are very comparable.  Since you...

8 Lead Magnets You Can Use On Your Website
March 22, 2017

Driving traffic to your website is important.  You need an audience to listen to your story.  The real challenge comes with trying to get these visitors to turn into customers after they hear your initial story.  The majority of your...

9 Ways to Grow Your Email List
March 15, 2017

Building an email list is such an important component of your overall marketing strategy.  Gaining permission to continue to connect with someone opens so many more opportunities to build credibility and be present when they are ready to...

Using Cold Outreach Emails
March 08, 2017

Cold Outreach Emails is an email sent to someone that you have no relationship with. This is someone that you’ve identified as a target prospect and you are trying to connect with them to… build rapport, get them to visit a landing page on your...

Episode 15: 7 Mobile Apps We Cannot Live Without
March 01, 2017

The biggest impact the smartphone has made is no doubt connecting everyone to the internet no matter where (for the most part) they are located. The second biggest impact would have to be mobile apps. e also have mini-computers that fit in the palm of o