NCNC Podcast

NCNC Podcast

Issue 12: Good Golly, It's Glossy!/Battlin' James Barrett Talks with the Doc

May 25, 2019

Listen to Doc Carter in this three-parter!

In part one, Doc Carter asks why the media isn't making more of four State Representatives meeting with an organization with known White supremacist elements. Doc even invites those Representatives onto the show to explain.

In part two, Doc Carter discusses questions and concerns about NCSUPERINTENDENT.COM and Mark Johnson's recent penchant for sending high-quality, full-color materials to teachers to distribure to students and parents -- but for the sake of Johnson's political career or for the sake of public education?

Johnson and longtime associate Kevin Wilkinson are invite on the show to help clear up the confusion and questions so many stakeholders are asking.

In part three, Doc features North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction candidate James Barrrett, who shares his platform for taking on that office.