Natural Health World

Natural Health World

NHW 006: Look And Feel More Beautiful In Just 2 Minutes

April 21, 2015


Hi there, this is Carla Rose.
What IÂ’’m going to do is teach you in two minutes something you can do every single day thatÂ’s going to help you feel more alive and more vibrant and definitely more appreciative of your beautiful body.
Click “Play” below to listen now!


  1. The Thank-you-feet technique

  2. How it works

  3. How to thank a body part every single day

Now you may not feel beautiful right this moment.
But I assure you, you are.
And I’m going to show you this technique. It’s easy to do and it just doesn’t take any practice at all.
When you do this, you’re going to notice a big difference. It doesn’t take any time at all and it doesn’t take any practice. It’s called the Thank You Feet Technique.
And the specifics of how it works are like this.
Every single day you pick a different part of your body and you’re going to thank that body part for doing the work that it does. Now I do this sometimes when I can’t fall asleep. I practice this when I can’t fall asleep.
So last night when I was having a little trouble falling asleep, I started with my feet.
And I said, “Thank you feet for being comfortable in my shoes; for carrying me around everywhere I need to go; for not stumbling or tripping; for doing a great job getting me up the stairs without falling over.â€
And I was thanking my feet. And I thank my feet for the shape and the muscles and the bones and everything in my feet.
Now I’m 67 years old so I’m really thanking my feet because they’ve been carrying me around for all these time. And I really and truly am grateful.
And that’s what I want you to learn and take away from this experimental technique.
Thank your body part.
Pick whichever one you want every single day.
Now ladies, I want you to remember those hands of yours are working all the time.
You might be cooking dinner, washing dishes, doing the laundry, doing your job at work, whatever it is; you thank those hands if you can’t think of anything else to thank right off the bat and move through your entire body.
When you do that, you’re going to change the way you think about those parts one by one. Every one of those body parts that you have thanked, you’re going to recognize as being a source of life and service to you.
And that will help you feel radiant and glowing and alive and energetic. It will transform the way you think about your body, one body part at a time.
That wraps up our quick tips for today.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as I’ve enjoyed making it for you.


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