JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

Gift Ideas for Almost Any Respectable Bodybuilder

December 08, 2013


Dear Marc,

My SO is really into bodybuilding.  Being female, I’m cool with it as he looks great but I have no idea what would say that I get this sport and I support him.  Do you have any gift ideas for my bodybuilding boyfriend?


So it’s a gift for bodybuilders you want?  Male or Female, here’s a great list for that special bodybuilder.  These are a list of must have items or items that make working out more enjoyable, safe and fun.  Price varies as some are inexpensive but most if not all are under $100.  Any serious bodybuilder either has some of these, most of these or the luckiest of them all, all of these.  But every single idea on this list is useful to anybody who’s serious about building muscle (gym time, cook time, rest time).

Magic Bullet

The Magic Bullet can be found almost anywhere.  It’s a blender but smaller.  So less of a cleanup.  It can make most shakes and mix up protein quickly.  It’s great for those times when you want to add protein to something a bit more substantial but don’t want the hassle of pulling out the full blender and making a huge mess.

Gym Bag 

Everybody could use a good gym bag.  The brand is up to you.  Look for something with reasonable weight to it but not so huge that everybody is going to trip over the thing.  I don’t know of a single serious bodybuilder who doesn’t carry a bag.  Seriously.  Stuff it with a towel, protein shaker or other goodies if you want.

Adidas Power Trainer Lifting Shoes 

Not inexpensive but the best shoes I’ve ever used for lifting.  Working out and doing squats and deadlifts in shoes made for running is a mistake.  But almost everybody does it because most people do not realize there are shoes made for weight lifting.  These shoes give you a nice stable surface so there’s no sideways movement or instability.  The cushion provided by running shoes is actually detrimental to leg exercises.  Get them a pair!  There’s other alternatives but look for shoes made specifically for weight training.

Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding 

Makes a nice coffee table book if nothing else.  It’s a classic.  This may be more male specific and it might make your mom mad knowing Arnold is hanging around.  Quick!  Hide the maid.  Anyway, still makes a good gift for anybody who’s into classic bodybuilding. There’s lots of good information, loads to read and exercises for when you get bored or you gym gets rid of stuff.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

The classic 2003 ebook that started it all, revised and updated and now in hardcover!  Hits the bookshelves on December 10th.  This is the only book they’ll ever need on nutrition.  It’s good for your mom looking to lose weight or an aspiring teen bodybuilder.  This isn’t some fad diet.  It’s what I wish I had 20 years ago so I wouldn’t have wasted so much time trying all kinds of gimmicky booshit.  Totally good book, worth it and will apply to the bodybuilder looking to build muscle or burn fat.  If they don’t have this one, they should.

Blender Bottle Sport Mixer 

Everybody could use a good BPA free shaker bottle that will last.  This is dishwasher safe and includes a stainless steel mixer ball.  It will handle all the different types of protein out there.  I’m willing to be it would have mixed up that 1980′s crap I used to drink that clumped. Even if they have have one, everybody can use a 2nd, 3rd or 15th shaker bottle.

Foam Roller 

Almost everybody should be using one especially to loosen up the IT band but almost nobody does.  It’s painful!  But this little device really makes leg day bearable.  You use this for self massage.  There’s a number of different exercises you can do with this foam roller. You’ll be amazed at how the pain in some areas goes away.  Some gyms have them, most bodybuilders don’t.  They’ll be confused at first but a quick search will reveal just how many things you can do with this seemingly simple piece of hard foam.

Storage Containers

If they are serious about building muscle and burning fat or just eating right, they will need some storage.  Prepping meals the day before and storing them is essential.  Plastic baggies only go so far.  Like the gym bag, it’s a must.  The nice thing about these type of storage containers is you can get them BPA free and in various sizes.  Even if they own some, who can’t use more?

Lifting Straps 

My favorite pair of lifting straps!  Versa Straps are by far superior.  You’ll probably lose your arms before your grip gives out.  Very safe, very sturdy.  If your lifter is using those leather old school straps or nothing at all, this is a huge and very nice upgrade.

Need more ideas?  The list goes on.

  • Lifting Gloves
  • Massage
  • Rice Cooker
  • Fat Gripz
  • Food Scale
  • Inzer Weight Lifting Belt
  • Captains of Crush Gripper
  • High Socks for Deadlifting
  • iTunes Gift Card
  • Amazon Gift Card
  • Bose Headphones
  • George Foreman Grill
  • Slow Cooker/Crock Pot for making Tuscan Chicken
  • Dip Belt
  • Gift Certificate to TrueNutrition.com

And there you have it.  If you need a gift for bodybuilders, there’s something on the list for everybody, male or female, beginner or advanced.  I’ve been training for over 20 years and it’s take me that long to accumulate most of these things.  I can’t say I use them all every day but I use them all at some time during the year.  It’s just part of being a bodybuilder. Having the right equipment to do the job.


Natural Bodybuilding with Marc David

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