JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

Meal Plans from Bulkbites - Easy to Create Online for Free

October 06, 2013

Bulkbites bills itself as an easy to to create meal plans sites with pre-loaded recipes with the ability to upload and create your own.  As the community grows, so does you ability to drag and drop meals that fit your macronutrient needs.

If you want 200g of protein a day, with 200g of carbs and low fat?  This site will custom tail meals to fit that goal.

Easy to Create Meal Plans Online for Free

Same thing but you want vegetarian options?  It will work.

  • Set your goals
  • Combine foods, drinks and even supplements
  • Get a custom meal plan

The one thing most people don’t realize is that meal planning is easy but should be customized to the individual.  None of the pre-packaged plans today fit the bill.  They list foods you need to eat, maybe include a grocery list and some type of manual to swap out foods but generally, they are one size fits all plans.  And we all know that never works.

What if you are living in another country where meat and poultry is expensive?  Or it’s hard to obtain?  Or you are vegetarian?

You can Make Custom Meal Plans

This online meal plans option by Bulkbites might actually work for everybody involved.  As the site grows, so do the options to make your own custom meals using somebody’s recipe along with your own to create the ultimate meals for your custom needs.

This type of option normally costs $400.  Many online meal plans have a USDA list of foods but you have to make up the plans by combining your own foods.  While that will work it assumes you know how to combine foods to make a good tasting meal.  For those of us who are not chefs, it’s just plain old chicken, rice and a veggie.  Boring!

You either type in your own macronutrient options and start making your plan or the site will ask you for some information and use standard formulas to create your optimal macronutrient ratios for you.  Nutrition is so important that most people get it wrong.  If they do get it right, they are stuck with the same old boring meals week after week.  Here’s an option to create custom meals, save them, share them and build upon a community.

I’ve come across several meal plans in my journey and most of them will work for some people but not others.  Or they list a USDA food database and allow you to mix and match but that only goes so far.  Here’s a great, visual representation of food, that allows you to create your own custom meals (not a list of foods) and submit your own and use others for the most enjoyable food experience possible.

Go add some foods!  I’ll take some of the recipes on this site and add them as well.  Who knows how this turns out.  Might be the most mouthwatering experience yet!

Be Fit, Stay Strong!

Marc David – CPT

Natural Bodybuilding with Marc David

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