Iva Keene's Fertility Podcast - How To Overcome Infertility Naturally

Iva Keene's Fertility Podcast - How To Overcome Infertility Naturally

Preventing Miscarriage – 5 Steps to Prevent Miscarriages

September 20, 2013

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Preventing miscarriage is not a mystery. Miscarriages are devastating and often make you feel powerless. Miscarriage prevention protocols are hard to find and not many health practitioners use them. The mainstream approach to a miscarriage is that it can happen and that you should try again until it works.

However this approach leaves you open to recurrent miscarriages which can erode your confidence even further. In this article you'll find out the five steps I recommend you do first for preventing miscarriage and before trying to conceive again.
Preventing Miscarriage
5 Steps for Preventing Miscarriages

Check your partner's sperm - women who miscarry tend to have partners with poor sperm quality. While this is not always the case it is worth looking into it before you invest in the invasive and expensive workup of the female reproductive system. If his sperm is of suboptimal quality, don't despair. Sperm health can be improved in as little as 90 days. You may also wish to consider using my Sperm Health Program to improve your partner's sperm quality and quantity naturally for preventing miscarriage. You can learn more about it here: http://natural-fertility-prescription.com/improve-sperm-health/
Check your MTHFR status - MTHFR is an enzyme responsible for folic acid metabolism in the body. 30-40% of the population what a mutation of the gene responsible for this enzyme. Carriers of this mutation have a higher risk of miscarrying as their body is not capable of absorbing folic acid from the diet. This can easily be addressed with methylated form of folic acid your naturopath or GP can prescribe for you for preventing miscarriage.
Check you EM radiation exposure - EM radiation is emitted from your cell phone, laptop, wifi, computer, iPad, TV, hairdryer, and any other electrical device when plugged in. EM radiation targets fast replicating cells in the body such as the egg and sperm cells and the developing embryo. It is especially important that you don't have any electrical appliances in your bedroom where you are stationary for at least 8 hours a day. While you sleep you don't want any radiation interfering with your reproductive cells or your growing embryo. To shield yourself form the EM radiation take a look at the EM radiation shield we recommend here: http://natural-fertility-prescription.com/resources/
Take CoQ10 supplement - Coenzyme Q10 is food for your cellular engines - the mitochondria. After the age of 30 are cells start to become depleted in CoQ10 which predisposes them to faster ageing due to faster toxin accumulation inside the cell and the reduced ability of the cell to clean itself. CoQ10 deficiency can predispose to miscarriages in women over 30. Therefore taking a good quality CoQ10 is crucial. I recommend this CoQ10 which is from a practitioner range and of superb quality. You can order it here: http://natural-fertility-prescription.com/fertility-supplements-men-women/
Check your thyroid function - Have you ever heard of the expression 'Bun in the oven'? Referring to a woman being pregnant? Well that expression is not far from the truth. Your baby is growing and developing inside you from an invisible seed to a big pregnant belly ready to pop. For this growth to take place your body needs to be operating at a certain core temperature. The core body temperature thermostat is set by your thyroid gland.