National Association of Black & White Men Together

National Association of Black & White Men Together

Latest Episodes

Gays, Church and HIV
February 20, 2019

This is the conundrum that black gays face when they feel proud of the church’s social activity but feel oppressed that they cannot be themselves. In addition, Black culture may well think that there’s a dearth of men. So if he’s gay, then that’s one les

The Business of Monitoring You
February 20, 2019

f one looks at the news and trends one cannot but think that business online is making mistakes and overreaching privacy. This occurs more often in private industry and in government It seems that if you are online, and not paying for a product,

Gays, Church and HIV
February 19, 2019

We know that it is a struggle for gays who feel the Catholic church tenants espoused by Jesus; justice, peace and caring, are their core values but the stance on homosexuality can demonize them. Famous Catholics, such as Oscar Wilde,

The Green Book
February 05, 2019

African-Americans who chose automobile travel to escape “colored-only” trains still had the indignity of Jim Crow. Motels and rest stops deprived them of places to rest and sleep were a fact of life.

Interracial same sex info
January 31, 2019

The 2010 U.S. Census data essentially found that couples within the LGBTQ community were more likely to be in an interracial relationship.

Podcast and GIF’s Growth.
January 30, 2019

Podcasting is a small but growing part of the digital scene and expected to hit 84 million listeners in 10 years. Podcasts are a small part of the digital advertising market but have a large change in ad spending.

Rights Won by Unions
January 28, 2019

So when you hear of states that have enacted  "Right to Work" Laws that restrict labor unions, stop and consider these rights that unions fought for.

Political Bigotry
January 18, 2019

Enough is enough. Covert and open bigotry has no place in this country.

Comfort and Race and Sex Inequality
January 17, 2019

So, just like the comments on being nice to racial minorities, the same holds for queer people. You may not have the experiences of the LGBTQ community, but have authentic interactions; not nice ones. Make sure sexual injustice is discussed in our workpl

Gays, Race, Drugs and Death
January 16, 2019

In the city of West Hollywood, California there was a troubling, baffling and, for some, deeply infuriating case of longtime Democratic political donor Ed Buck, whose apartment in the building has been the scene of two Black men’s apparent overdose death