National Association of Black & White Men Together

National Association of Black & White Men Together

Values and Impeachment

October 08, 2019

This is Ken Scott Baron from the National Association of Black and White Men Together.

At the NA we believe health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and facts and truth matter.

So, in this podcast, once again, I will look at our values and now we, in a non partisan manner, can look at the "big picture" of the current impeachment inquiry and see how our representatives are portraying this.

Here is the first quote on this subject:

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. government officials that the president of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election." This is from the whistleblower complaint, declassified Sept. 26

And a second:

"You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now." This is from President Trump, Sept. 26

A Third one:

"If that perfect phone call with the President of Ukraine isn't considered appropriate, then no future President can EVER again speak to another foreign leader!" — President Trump, Sept. 27

And lastly:

"If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal." this was quoted by President Trump, Sept. 29

Not so long ago, President Trump's impeachment was once politically risky for Democrats. This has changed based on new events.

One reason is that the supporters of the President have yet to develop a strategy to fight impeachment.

Over the past several days, Republicans have repeatedly been unable to unify or even outline a response. As for Trump, he’s tweeting about a “civil war” and an attempted “coup”.

Polls show support for an impeachment inquiry is growing. The poll responders are equally for and against.

Back in October 1998, the vast majority of Americans were against impeaching and removing President Clinton from office. In a CNN poll 31% favored impeaching and removing. The vast majority, 63%, were against it. This -32 point gap for impeaching and removing Clinton stands in contrast to the +1 gap for impeaching and removing Trump.

President Trump has admitted he froze military aid to Ukraine and then suggested to the Ukrainian President Zelensky that he investigate Joe and Hunter Biden. And he released the rough transcript of his call with Zelensky that confirms all of this.

However, a poll released by Monmouth University on Tuesday showed a plurality believes the accusations against Biden. Although these accusations have been debunked, many voters instinctively believe there is something wrong with the fact that Hunter Biden could be helped by his dad. It’s quite possible Trump and the Republicans can damage Biden.

On the other hand, that same poll also shows more than 60% believe it is “not appropriate” for a president to make such requests of a foreign leader, based on prohibitions on such acts in the Constitution.

A more recent poll, by the Progressive Change Institute, found that 49 % say they strongly or somewhat support an impeachment inquiry. Many who oppose impeachment agree with Democrats and are just scared about the politics.

The Republican talking points may not work. The Democrats appear to have a  strategy with real substance and real facts is always better.

So, what, if any, of the Republicans are concerned about the actions of the President?

Senator Mitt Romney has been critical of the President's Ukraine phone call. He now has the opportunity to lead his party out of this.