

Episode 30 - Donna Huber

April 21, 2014

I’m very excited about this particular interview because we welcome Donna Huber to the show. What makes Donna different is that she’s written an extremely helpful book for any author who uses the internet to connect with their readers. But Donna is also is a publicist, reviewer and popular blogger. And she is very nice. Always willing to answer a question or provide advice. I was fortunate enough to have her organize a blog tour for my own series last summer and got to know her then.


Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the blogger behind Girl Who Reads where, in addition to book reviews and author appearances, she writes the popular blogging advice series, “Tips on Thursday.” She has worked as a freelance publicist since 2010 assisting publishers and authors with their marketing and publicity needs. Most notably, she was the publicist for The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House edition of Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Darker by E. L. James. When she is not doling out blogging advice or promoting the next bestseller, she can be found spending time with family (particularly the four legged, furry members), rewatching Downton Abbey and Harry Potter, or trying to make a dent in her never ending to-be-read pile.


Read on for more about this fascinating lady…and be sure to listen to the podcast where she shares some great advice!


Excerpts from Episode 30

Donna on the highlights of working publicity for Fifty Shades of Grey: “It was an exciting time just to be involved in it and seeing how a book could go from just basically conception to being a bestseller.”

Donna on authors blogging: “If you don’t blog regularly or do a good job of it, it’s not going to help you. Just like getting a book discovered, getting a blog discovered is just as hard.”


Get the info you need for a successful blog tour in this easy to follow how-to manual for authors.

From the publicist who introduced the world to Fifty Shades of Grey, Donna Huber is now revealing her secrets to successful blog tours. She shares tips and tricks learned through organizing over 30 tours, blasts, and promotional events for nearly 50 independently and traditionally published titles. 

Secrets revealed in this quick read include, 

Planning stage decisions

Different types of tours

Recruiting bloggers and keeping requests organized

Best practice communication tips

Tricks to making a great guest appearance

How to organize a fun (and legal) giveaway

Actions to take during the tour

Next steps once the tour is complete

Virtual tour and other promotional opportunities

When to hire a professional

In this easy to follow manual, Donna does not stop there. She spills even more of her blog tour secrets to help authors get the most out of their events by providing, 

Tour checklist

Tour invite tips

Step-by-step guide to creating tour graphics

10 broad guest post topics

25 sample interview questions



Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour



You can also find Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour at Amazon UK, Smashwords and Kobo.


You can follow Donna at these links:

Donna’s Blog – Girl Who Reads

Donna on Facebook

Donna on Twitter

Donna on Goodreads