My Stupid Podcast

My Stupid Podcast

Episode 28 – Alien Stupidity

May 18, 2014

Garett, Good Thomas, Jer, Joseph, Kyla and Vinnie bend over some corn stalks in a circle and make our collective calling to the stars above. Implied Oedipus complex, phallic aliens, future archivists, penis mice, the very definition of alien life and plenty of shifty-eyed stares and discussion of whether we'd bang the Four-Farthole Blobs from Markfar on a plate are some of the courses we chart during this week's show. We keep claiming we're searching for intelligent life among the stars because we sure as hell haven't found any here. It's the best alien discussion you'll find this side of Uranus that'll leave you green, wide-eyed, balding, a little unsatisfied and violated, enjoy!