My New Normal

My New Normal

S1E10 | Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas- on Resilience and Living with Breast Cancer

January 30, 2019
Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas (aka Dr. Resilience) is a dear friend and mentor and I’m so honored to have her on my podcast! She is someone who helps eliminate suffering for others and helps them live better lives, specifically the Veteran community.

Nursing the flu can be hard and sometimes it disables us from doing our normal routine. Now, imagine having a stage 4 cancer and the doctor has put an expiration date on your life. Wouldn't that be discouraging? Dr. Kate was diagnosed with cancer but it did not put her down.

As a former Marine Corps military police officer, she had a hard time in transitioning to the private citizen life. Dr. Kate struggled and faced challenges that would eventually lead her in helping people with their mental fitness. She's an author, speaker, and professor among other things.

In this episode, Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas is telling her story of facing life, motherhood, and cancer with positivity and resilience.

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • How a person can cultivate resilient traits
  • What steps she took in transitioning from the Marine Corps
  • Why is mental fitness training important
  • How Dr. Kate came to know that she had cancer
  • What things did she change in facing her diagnosis
  • How cancer changed how she manages her time

Listen to My New Normal Podcast here:

To Contact Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas Visit:

To check out Dr. T's Functional Training for the Adaptive Athlete Online Course (eligible for 0.5 CEU's for NSCA under Category D), visit:

Help My New Normal raise $2,500 for Challenged Athlete Foundation by March 31st, 2019: