My Mom Is Psychic | A Positive Podcast with a Psychic Twist

My Mom Is Psychic | A Positive Podcast with a Psychic Twist

Mom's Daily Psychic Insight October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014

That big sum of money is surrounded by threes. That could be a time frame, or it could be the actual amount of money that seems to be coming your way. Regardless, you will know soon. You will hear from a friend who is troubled within a short time. He/she is needing someone to listen. Get ready for a huge surprise regarding a blue eyed man. And I mean it will knock your socks off. There will be a lesson in this situation. You will find yourself meeting someone for dinner this week, and it will bring back wonderful memories. Wonderful cards surround a dark haired man today. It will be like the sun coming out after a long dark spell.