Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Talkin’ Bout My Generation

What Are You Thankful For?

December 15, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! What's that, you say? It's nearly Christmas??? Yes, I know. Mike went on vacation, and well, Doug's brain took a vacation as well, preventing this episode from being posted on time. This is a time for thanks. TFG1Mike, his fiancé SpicedDemon, Doug, Doug's wife Alicia and Chris Morton from Indeed Podcast all got together to sit down and share all of our memories, from cinnamon rolls the morning of the holiday, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, to asparagus casserole instead of the horrid green bean one! Join us in a wonderful discussion of traditions, even though it's a month late (Sorry, @SpicedDemon!), but the discussion is fun and light hearted anyway!