Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Ghostbusters - Answer the Call!

October 26, 2016

Ahh, Halloween. One of our favorite times of the year, we celebrate it by talk of goblins, dressing up, spooky movies, and of course... GHOSTS. More specifically, we talk about one of our favorite movies, Ghostbusters. This ain't it. No, this is the "reboot" that Paul Feig deigned to create, that he thought would be good with 4 women who weren't funny, or were playing complete caricatures of the characters that they originally were. Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Chris Hemsworth...It was demeaning.  Take a listen to this week's episode, let us know what you thought - and keep in mind, neither of us hate that women were in the roles of the Ghostbusters, we just hated Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones in their roles of one of the 3 Stooges and Stepin Fetchit.  Let us know your opinions - if you hated it, you're welcome to voice it. If you think it was great, let us know that too!