Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Talkin’ Bout My Generation

What Kind Of Geeks Are We?

August 02, 2016

  Geek. Nerd. Dork. These are 4 letter words that, for many of us, were derogatory, insulting, and unkind. They were words used by bullies. Now, however, to be a geek is a thing people want to wear with pride! Comic book movies, pop culture, attending comic book conventions - it's gotten bigger, more popular, and accepted. This episode, Mike and Doug welcome a guest, Joe Reed, from GCRN's The Pull Bag and Off The Cuff podcasts, as we get meta about geekery, geek relationships and how we met our significant others (surprise surprise, online dating DOES work!), and of course, we have a little discussion about Batman vs. Superman, Ghostbusters: Answer The Call (aka Ghostbusters 2016), and a Playboy article about what NOT to do with your relationships. Come join us and tell us what you think by leaving a comment here on the website, commenting on our Facebook page, writing us at, or hitting us up on Twitter! Let us know what you think of our new session, and where we can go from here!