My Cousin's An Idiot

My Cousin's An Idiot

Six Months of Bliss

March 15, 2018

Wow that six months of MCAI went by in the blink of an eye. Like a turtle walking uphill in peanut butter, we barely had time to yell at each other as much as we wanted. This commemorative episode covers Disney references, super hot video games, Ben's acceptance of being a millennial, healthcare and all they do for us, and several impromptu arguments. Happy six months to us! Enjoy and tell a friend, we appreciate you listening.Spoilers: Touching the Void, Enter the Dragon, Red Dwarf, Speed 1, Die Hard 2, The RockLinks to References:Jackie Chan finding out what time it is   Chameleon hand   Thanks to Royalty Free Music: for the use of their songs.