Musings of Millennial Ministers – Podcast – Matthew G Scott

Musings of Millennial Ministers – Podcast – Matthew G Scott

Ep 4 – Jesus on Family

June 30, 2014

In this 4th Episode of Musings of Millennial Ministers we examine what Jesus has to say about family - some of His lines will surprise you!  Join us!

Notes From the Podcast:

Revised Common Lectionary - For those of you not familiar with the lectionary, it is a collection of weekly texts that takes the church through different portions of the Bible parallel with the church liturgical calendar in a three year rhythm.  The lectionary typically contains a Psalm, an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading and a Gospel reading.


Sabbath As Resistance by Walter Brueggemann
- This is the new book that Beard is reading.
- Brueggemann is always recommended, especially his work on the Old Testament.  Fantastic writer.
- Link to this book on Amazon.


Peter Storey
- Peter is a modern-day saint.  He was a Methodist bishop in South Africa and was instrumental in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.  He was part of the Reconciliation Commission and ministered with Desmond Tutu to several inmates at Robin Island, including Nelson Mandela.
- The book that Beard mentions is: With God and the Crucible



Scripture & Notes From Beard's Sermon this week on Family:

- Full link to Beard's church's sermons
- Genesis 21
- Matthew 10:24-39

- God is very involved in Abraham's life and has a voice in his life.
- Don't think I have come to bring peace but a sword - if you love anyone more than you love me, you are not worthy of me. Matthew 10:24-36

- How do we deal with loving God more than family when family is so important?
- It is tempting to start focusing on the human action, that we lose sight of the divine action.
- As a parent we are the caregiver and provider, but at the end of the day, that is God's job.  Ultimately God is the one looking after us.
- Basically, what Jesus is saying is, "I need to be first."
- Jesus on family - Matthew 12:46-50 - "those who do the will of God are my family."
- Jesus always brings things back to the Kingdom perspective and makes it about God
- the more we saturate in the teachings of Jesus, the more we think Kingdom and begin to live that way


Oswald Chambers
- Oswald is the writer of My Utmost for His Highest, one of the most well-known daily devotionals in the Christian faith.

Will Willimon
- Will Willimon is a wonderful writer who provides great perspective on many issues of faith.  He is a faithful Methodist and is extensively published.  The joke about Willimon is that he does not have an unpublished thought.  He is very funny.
- Willimon on Twitter, publications, books on Amazon, Podcasts

Jim Gaffigan
- Gaffigan on You Tube


Questions from Listeners:
What Scriptures should I start with when starting to read the Bible?
Great question!
- I was recommended Epistles to start with.  These are letters of the New Testament.  In other words, any non Gospel (Matthew, Mark Luke or John), and not Revelation.
- The Epistles are relatively short and directionally based letters written to early Christians on living out the faith.
- I started with the book of Philippians (quick, short and good!)
- Gospel of John is often recommend for the parables and the I AM statements from Jesus.
- For Old Testament, I like 1 & 2 Samuel - contains the story of King David

- the book of 1 John - early catechetical tool - more or less a text book for early Christians - he breaks down some of what it is we believe
- Gospel of Mark - it is the shortest of the four Gospels, and scholars agree it was probably the earliest written of the four Gospels
- OT - Beard loves Genesis.  Long, but great!

Great questions, keep them coming!


Quotes from the Week:
- "Do we like comfort more than we like God?" - Beard
- "One of the most common mistakes a preacher makes is to underestimate his/her congregants." - Matt on Peter Storey
- "If you love anyone more than you love me, you are not worthy of me." - Beard on Jesus