Musings of Millennial Ministers – Podcast – Matthew G Scott

Musings of Millennial Ministers – Podcast – Matthew G Scott

Season 3 – Ep 2 – Honoring Your Leaders

March 17, 2016

This week on the show we tackle the topic of Honor, looking at: What is honor?, How did we learn to honor others?, What does honor look like today?, and How learning to honor authorities in your life will transform your life. Join us!


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Jack Frost – From Slavery to Sonship
-       honoring boss
-       honoring those in authority

Culture of Honor – By Danny Silk
-       great on setting up a group

Honor Your Father and Mother

- Deuteronomy 5:16 and Ephesians 6.

Ephesians 6

1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2“Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”a

4Fathers,b do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
What is Honor
-       people often associate this with do what your parents tell you
-       as you grow up you realize how wise your parents are
-       you just do what I tell you and don’t ask any questions
-       who are the people in my life who have always been there for me and have been through many things and have some things to share


-       honoring your spouse
-       honoring her opinion
-       honoring as manners, or chivalry – opening the door for another, giving up your seat for someone else, standing when someone walks to your table
-       honoring all people

 Honor as Being Aware of Other People
- phrase in Africa – “I see you.” (You matter, you are there. I know you. I see you.)

Honoring as Respecting ALL People
-       regardless of stature or position
-       showing respect to people
-       that people deserve respect
-       NOT demanding respect and forcing it from others

Why Do We Honor Others?
-       we are all created in the image of God
-       God loves all
-       We love Him and want to honor Him by loving others
-       The honor comes not because they have proven their value themselves, but God has given them value, being made in the image of God

No Need for Contracts with Honor
-       a contract is only as good as the man behind it
-       a person’s word carries so much weight, depending on the character or honor of the person
-       When communities were much smaller, a person’s word meant so much more
-       Warren Buffett quote - “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Honoring Your Leaders

-       story of the prodigal son – Luke 15
-       Jack Frost – being raised up in the business by his boss, but wanting to go leave for what he wanted NOW. He still couldn’t get on his leader’s mission.
-       Whose mission are you on?
-       Leader to team member – I don’t care about your mission until I know you care about mine.

Irenaeus – Church Father
-       Adam and Eve were created as children
-       Part of their longing for the tree of knowledge of good and evil
-       Wanting to grow up. Their sin is similar to our desire as children to grow up fast.
-       God’s initial design for humans to grow more and more into the image of God as we mature.
-       Like rushing a flower to blossom. You can’t do it.

What We Learn By Being On Father’s Mission
-       humility, trust, discernment, wisdom, maturing, dropping selfishness
-       realizing and trusting that what our leaders have in mind for us is good for us

Practical Steps:
1)   Who is in charge?
2)   What are they trying to accomplish?
3)   How can I help that?

Whose Mission Are You On?
-       are you following God, are you following your boss, are you following yourself and what you want to do?
-       I want what I want and I wa