Muscle Monsters Podcast: Train Hard | Eat Big | Get Jacked

Muscle Monsters Podcast: Train Hard | Eat Big | Get Jacked

Latest Episodes

3 Performance Supplements That Are Worth The Money
December 14, 2015

As you may already know, I am not a huge advocate of supplements. I do, however, believe there are some that are actually worth the money (if you have the extra cash). In this episode of the Muscle Monsters Podcast,

The Big Leg Formula Explained feat. Jason Maxwell
December 06, 2015

Do you suffer from SLS a.k.a Skinny Leg Syndrome? If so, you're in for a real treat. Today we are talking to the author of Monster Legs 90, Jason Maxwell. In this episode we go over his "big leg formula" and exactly how you can implement it into your o...

How to Win Your Mornings and Conquer Your Life feat. Chad Howse
December 01, 2015

If you can create a morning that’s surrounded by good, effective habits, these habits and this effectiveness will spill over to the rest of your life, the problem is that most people lose their mornings and then end up losing the rest of their day in t...

How to Get Stronger with Isolation Exercises | Biceps Curls
November 23, 2015

Adding 100 pounds to your bench press, over the course of a year, as a beginner, isn't easy but it's certainly possible. Adding 100 pounds to your biceps curls, however, is not likely. This is true for a couple of reasons. Number 1, your chest,

2 Ways to Guarantee New Muscle Growth for Skinny Guys
November 09, 2015

Building muscle is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it isn't complicated. In this episode, I'll go over two essential components to ensure new muscle growth. If you can manage to achieve these two things,
