Muscle Monsters Podcast: Train Hard | Eat Big | Get Jacked

Muscle Monsters Podcast: Train Hard | Eat Big | Get Jacked

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3 Productivity Tips That Guarantee Success In Business
April 03, 2016

The beginning stages of a business are not only the most crucial, but they require the most grit and persistence. Unless you've already got funding, starting a business from the group up can be, for lack of a better term, fucking brutal.

How to Bulk Up and Gain Mass with Intermittent Fasting
March 29, 2016

In this episode I plan to answer that question, in detail, as well as discuss a few other important points one must consider when attempting to build muscle with intermittent fasting.

The 6 Fundamental Steps to Guaranteed Muscle Growth
February 29, 2016

Building muscle isn't easy, but it's quite simple. In this episode, I go over 6 fundamental steps for guaranteeing new muscle growth. If you can manage to follow these steps, then you're going to ensure that you are doing what it takes to build new mus...

How Much Muscle Can You Gain in 1 Year?
February 01, 2016

How much muscle can you gain in your first year of training? Assuming your training and nutrition are in order, 20-25 pounds would be a good guess. This is due to being hyper-sensitive to the stimulus of the resistance in the beginning stages of out tr...

The Top 3 Benefits of Being A Naturally Skinny Hardgainer
January 25, 2016

If you're anything like me, gaining weight or building muscle mass doesn't come easy. At least it doesn't seem that way. But to be quite honest, I wouldn't change it for the world. The reason is simple...we have it pretty damn good! -

The Definitive Guide to Weight Gain for Skinny Hardgainers
January 18, 2016

Are you a naturally skinny guy who can't gain weight no matter how much you eat? If so, this could be the most game-changing podcast you ever listen to. If you take everything I teach in this episode and put it into play,

Intermittent Fasting: Should You Train on an Empty Stomach? Feat. Mike Matthews
January 11, 2016

If you're like me, you don't really have an appetite in the morning upon rising. Unfortunately (or fortunately), this also just happens to be the time of the day you choose to hit the gym. In this episode, Mike Matthews and I discuss fasted weight trai...

How to Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau
January 03, 2016

If you've ever dieted for a prolonged period of time, then you've likely hit some sort of a weight loss plateau. Unfortunately, most people aren't calculated enough to get through this stall in fat loss and end up quitting on their diet. Fortunately,

Key Principles for a Bigger Bench Press Fast feat. Kyle Hunt
December 27, 2015

There are two things that, for a man, never seem to be big enough. One is their pecs and the other is their bench press. In today's episode we are talking to highly sought after strength coach, Kyle Hunt. If there is anyone I trust when it comes to ach...

IIFYM: Stage Shredded with Ice Cream and Donuts feat. Mike Pucci
December 20, 2015

Today we speak to my good friend, newly crowned professional bodybuilder, Mike Pucci. He just recently attained two pro cards, both in huge natural bodybuilding organizations, and did it all while eating more carbs, doing less cardio,
