Mr Science Show

Mr Science Show

Latest Episodes

Ep 140: The Redback Spider invasion of New Zealand
January 24, 2011

Research published in Biological Invasions shows that Australian redback spiders are invading New Zealand and could become established in many urban areas around major ports. The paper, The invasive Australian redback spider, Latrodectus hasseltii Thorel

Ep 139: Christmas special - Santa, sport and out-takes
December 24, 2010

It's scarcely believable that another Christmas has rolled around! I hope that 2010 has been a wonderful year for you. In this year's Christmas podcast, I've compiled some of my favourite segments from the last few years. First up, I chat to Bianca Nogra

Ep 138: The health benefits of breakfast
December 10, 2010

A world first study conducted by Menzies Research Institute Tasmania has shown that skipping breakfast over a long period of time may increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. The study, Skipping breakfast: longitudinal associations with cardiome

Ep 137: Can your environment change your DNA?
November 24, 2010

Did you know that worker bees and queen bees have exactly the same DNA? Although they look and behave differently, at birth they have the same genome. Young queen larvae are fed a diet of Royal Jelly, a substance secreted by the worker bees which include

Ep 136: Sexual Selection
October 19, 2010

It's about time we put out a new podcast! In this edition, I chat to Associate Professor Robert Brooks, Director at the Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, UNSW about sexual selection. Charles Darwin described sexual selection as "struggle between the

The Beer Drinking Scientists talk Sex
September 05, 2010

Over at my other podcast, The Beer Drinking Scientists, we like to tackle the big science topics down at the pub. And what better topic to talk about over a beer than sex? Darren and Marc review the history of research into sexuality, including the semina

Ep 135: Why do I sneeze at the Sun?
August 24, 2010

Do you sneeze at the Sun? I do. My brother does. Both my parents do. In fact, we are a family of Photic Sneeze sufferers. The Photic Sneeze Reflex (PSR), also known rather ridiculously as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) Synd

Ep 134: Climate Change Vox Pops in Paddington
August 10, 2010

With climate change seemingly falling off the agenda of Australia's major political parties in the lead-up to the 2010 federal election, I wanted to see whether this inaction reflected the views of the community. I headed down to Paddington Markets, on Ox

Ep 133: Senator Bob Brown on Science Policy for the 2010 Australian Election
July 29, 2010

In the tradition of UK newspapers, this blog/podcast has decided to throw its (rather small) weight behind a political party at each Australian federal election. And this time around, the decision is easy. The 2010 Australian federal election is the most

Ep 132: Science of Superheroes - The Hulk
July 21, 2010

The science of superheroes is taking a green and nasty turn this week as we discuss the largest superhero of them all, The Hulk. Join myself and our regular superhero expert Dr Boob as we delve into the science of how we might realise The Hulk in the lab.