Moving Pictures Podcast

Moving Pictures Podcast

Episode 21 – Batman and Robin - Moving Pictures Podcast

February 25, 2015

Hey folks!

The day is finally here. The last entry of our Batman retrospective has arrived. And boy is it bad. This movie is widely reviled and rightfully so. There's really nothing redeeming about it and it seems to be a series of misfires at every level of production from conception all the way to execution. It's bad, you know this already. Now you get to listen to Zach and myself suffer through this monstrosity and revel in our pain.

Big thanks to Zach once again for taking this journey with me. I t was pretty excruciating by the end of it but it was a ton of fun and I can't wait to do another project like this.

If, for some insane reason,  you'd like to watch along with us, Batman and Robin is available on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.
