Move Minds Global

Move Minds Global

Why the Band-Aid Approach to Social Issues Doesn’t Work

December 20, 2014

In this episode of the Move Minds Podcast Bill and Sherrie discuss the “Band-Aid” approach to solving social issues and why they don’t work.
What is the definition of the Band-Aid Approach?
It is trying to solve social issues without solving the underlying issues that create them. Basically it’s about treating a large wound with a small band aid. There is no systemic solution applied for the long-term eradication of the issue.

What are some examples of the Band-Aid approach?

* Starting a nonprofit or foundation to solve one person’s issue, when it could be broadened, or partnered with others to compound the effect.
* Having a fundraiser to solve a single issue.
* Writing a check. Any time we cover something over without addressing the root problem, we are buying time.

Cultural Issues Underlying Many Social Issues In Western Countries

* Violence
* Misogyny
* Obesity
* Overspending
* Health
* Education
* Body Image Issues
* Bullying

Special Interests
Money, profit, and politics are the basis of many cultural issues not being solved. Too many people have an interest in keeping certain issues unsolved in order to profit from them.
Moving Beyond the Band-Aid Approach

* Get more people involved and more people aware.
* Develop a social purpose culture. (It’s not just for good causes.)
* Collaborate and innovate to create bigger ideas and better solutions.
* Raise the stake . . . as in stakeholders. Create a system of accountability and trust. In order to solve any problem with a long-term solution, every stakeholder in that “problem circle” needs to be involved and accounted for in providing a solution.
* Share your success stories. If more people are aware of how you solved a problem and created a successful solution, then it could be duplicated so that others could share in that success.

In order to have sustained positive change, we need to work on ourselves. Only when we are collectively whole and mentally fit can we add to the positive side of social good.There are no bystanders in a social purpose culture. We need an "all hands on deck" approach in creating and maintaining the kind of culture and society we want. We have to make a choice not to be victims. We have to be a part of the solutions.