Move Minds Global

Move Minds Global

Forming Connections Within Our Communities

November 04, 2014

Why do we feel the need to belong to communities and form meaningful connections? In this episode Bill and Sherrie talk about communities, what they are, and why belonging to them is more important than ever.
What is a community?
A community is a group of people who have several things in common. They could be formed around:

* Families and friends
* Neighborhoods
* Groups and Associations
* Cities and Towns
* Workplaces/Businesses
* Online/Social Media

Why forming communities is so critical to our well-being:

* We find meaning through connections.
* There is safety in numbers.
* We create momentum by sharing resources and skills.
* We can work together to achieve goals.
* We have accountability partners.
* There are more opportunities to create growth and change.

Move Minds is all about encouraging community involvement.  Especially community involvement that leads to people working together to create solutions to our biggest social challenges.

How can you get involved in an existing community?

Do you feel the need to start your own?